
Include directives ::include


I distinguish between normal MDX files, and the ones that I plan to include and call the latter partials.

I do that, because the :include-directive cannot simply copy the file content, but it has to work in the MDX-world and imports the included file and renders it. Hence, it is rendered as it is imported, and as such, usually it should not have a layout.

That is, why you’ll find this kind of frontmatter in my included files


## My Partial


Of course, you could do that globally, if you put all your partials in a common directory, add a file _frontmatter.yaml to that directory and activate the ‘Default Frontmatter’ feature.


Applying style to included partials

The ::include directive now allows to apply CSS classes to included partials


The included partial will now be wrapped in a div with the specified class my-class.

Of course, it would be nicer to apply the class to the imported root element, but that is currently not possible in Astro.